22 September 2024

This is Called a Democracy Deficit

I think that this was the inevitable result of the imperial Presidency set up by Charles de Gaulle, it just had to wait for someone more arrogant and conceited than de Gaulle, which as mind-boggling as it sounds, applies to Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron.

His undemocratic selection for Prime Minister just announced a cabinet containing no members of the two parties that got the most votes in the last election.

I'm thinking that Macron is well on his way to ending up like Benito Mussolini.

French Prime Minister Michel Barnier unveiled the country’s new government Saturday, seeking to end months of political uncertainty, if not the accompanying acrimony.

Barnier’s newly named cabinet marks a tilt to the right and will need to maintain enough support across France’s National Assembly to avoid being dissolved with a no-confidence vote. Members of the left-wing alliance that won the most seats in July’s legislative elections — and led the effort to keep the far right out of power — objected that the slate of ministers was undemocratic, representing the election’s losers.

Like Macron, or Barnier for that matter, give a flying f%$# in a rolling doughnut about all of this.

They represent the real France, the urban wealthy bankers and suchlike. 

This sort of, "Let them eat brioche," attitude (that's the real quote), does not have a happy history in France.


Two weeks of talks with the various blocs have resulted in the naming of 39 ministers. At the core are 17 senior cabinet members, who together form a predominantly center-right government: Seven cabinet ministers are from Macron’s centrist movement, which finished second in the election, and three are from Barnier’s right-wing Republicans, which finished a distant fourth.

None of the ministers represent Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party, which placed third. But also excluded are representatives of the left-wing alliance New Popular Front, which placed first.


Barnier could get by without the support of lawmakers on the left. He has backing from the centrist and conservative camps. But to make the math work, and avoid a censure vote that would topple the government before it even got started, Barnier needed at least the tacit approval of National Rally.

Why on earth would the Fascists in the RN want to do that?

Being complicit in an establishment government, when their entire electoral strategy is based on condemning establishment politics and establishment parties, should be a complete non-starter.

If there is anything to be learned from the fates of anti-establishment parties like M5S in Italy, is that cooperating with the establishment for a few crumbs ends up destroying the party and its associated movement.

Macron, l'état ce n'est pas vous.


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