22 September 2024

I Can Haz Prro

So, now we know that former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was the one that altered the mortality data from New York nursing homes.

I don't mean that he directed it, I mean that he was the one who changed the numbers himself. 

If this is not a crime, then the law needs to be changed.

Actually, it is against the law, because he lied under oath to Congress about it, but that law only applies to little people, and not "Rat-Faced Andy" Cuomo:

Earlier this summer, former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo squared off for a closed-door interview with seven members of a Republican-led congressional subcommittee investigating how New York handled the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Cuomo was asked repeatedly about a State Health Department report that deflected blame for the thousands of people who died of Covid at nursing homes in early 2020. Mr. Cuomo stood by the report and said he certainly did not review it and insisted he had no memory of seeing it before its release.

But a review of emails and congressional documents appears to show how Mr. Cuomo not only saw the report, but personally wrote parts of early drafts.


Mr. Cuomo apparently inserted language to underscore how “community spread among employees or possibly visitation by family and friends were relevant factors” that contributed to nursing home deaths.

“The larger text,” Ms. Kennedy noted, “is what he added.”

The email exchange among Mr. Cuomo’s aides, which was reviewed by The New York Times, was one of many sought by the Justice Department and a law firm retained by the State Assembly as it prepared to impeach Mr. Cuomo in 2021.

In another example cited in congressional documents, one of Mr. Cuomo’s top aides wrote an email on June 29, 2020, asking for someone to “please print two copies and drop at mansion,” referring to the State Health Department report and Mr. Cuomo’s Albany residence. A week later, the report was released with some of Mr. Cuomo’s revisions included.

Mr. Cuomo’s handling of the early stages of the pandemic initially brought him national attention and widespread praise, and became fodder for his memoir, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons From the Covid-19 Pandemic.”

Now there is a book that has not aged well.

But as months passed, the state’s response began to draw critical scrutiny, with the more than 15,000 Covid-related deaths among nursing home residents emerging as a focal point. The Times reported in 2021 how top aides to Mr. Cuomo pushed to hide the number of deaths in state nursing homes during the early days of the pandemic.


The renewed focus on the state’s pandemic response comes at what may be a politically sensitive moment for Mr. Cuomo, who is said by some to be weighing a run for mayor of New York City next year.

Those rumors have intensified as controversies have surrounded the current mayor, Eric Adams. Last week, the city’s police commissioner, Edward Caban, and Mr. Adams’s counsel, Lisa Zornberg, both quit after federal investigators sought information from or searched the homes of several top officials and seized their phones, including Mr. Caban’s.

As an aside, I have been following the whole Adams corruption investigations, keeping track of the various reports, and this has begun to resemble Fibber McGee's closet.

Rat Faced Andy may be the only person looking at a Mayoral run who is worse than Eric Adams, and Eric Adams may the most corrupt Mayor in New York history.

Andrew Mark Cuomo, would you please go now?


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