21 September 2024

Support Your Local Police

The LA Sheriff has banned police gangs in his organization.

It should be noted here that he has done so YEARS after a law was passed requiring this, and he has done so in a manner that seems calculated to have a minimal impact: 

The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department has announced a long-awaited — and legally required — policy banning deputy gangs — an issue that has challenged the department for decades.

Max Huntsman, L.A. County's inspector general, said the policy released Wednesday doesn't go far enough.

"We've gotten a policy that seems to be the bare minimum required by law that they could have put in place two-plus years [ago] now," Huntsman said.


The new policy is just over 800 words and says officers can be disciplined and fired for being in a law enforcement gang or hate group.

It also said the department will investigate alleged officer gangs within its ranks and cooperate with other authorized agencies conducting similar investigations. 


A report by a special counsel appointed by the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission last year called deputy gangs a “cancer” on the department and identified at least six deputy gangs or cliques within its ranks.

Yeah, doing the absolute minimum to ensure that your peace officers are not members of criminal gangs.

Not a good look.


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