02 March 2023

Lucy, Football,

The House Ethics Committed just initiated an investigation of George Santos.

If you think that anything is going to happen in Kevin McCarthy's House of Representatives, I think that you have the political acumen of Little Orphan Annie, or maybe Charlie Brown:

The House Ethics Committee announced Thursday that it had opened a broad investigation into Representative George Santos, the embattled Republican from New York under scrutiny for lies about his background and questions about his campaign finances.

The inquiry will cover several areas where Mr. Santos has been accused of misconduct in formal complaints — including one filed by two of his House colleagues.

The committee’s top-ranking Republican and Democratic members said in a statement that they would seek to determine whether Mr. Santos had failed to properly fill out his House financial disclosure forms, violated federal conflict of interest laws or engaged in other unlawful activity during his 2022 congressional campaign.

The committee will also examine an allegation of sexual misconduct from a prospective congressional aide who briefly worked in Mr. Santos’s office.

Don't get your hopes over this.  Any meaningful action would require some integrity from one Republican.

The best that the Democrats can expect to get out of this is to watch, and publicize, the Republicans stepping on their own dicks over this.


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