01 March 2023

What Does He Have to Hide?

While I am a lawyer, not an engineer, dammit,*, I do know that 5th .Amendment protections do not apply in the case of civil suits.

A refusal to testify can be used against you in a civil case, which is one reason why civil suits are often paused when there is a parallel criminal investigation.

So Jamie Dimons refusal to be deposed in the civil lawsuits relating to Jeffrey Epstein's child rapes can be viewed as an admission of guilt, which gives us my question in the hed:

JPMorgan Chase is resisting attempts by lawyers to question Jamie Dimon under oath in litigation over the US bank’s decision to retain Jeffrey Epstein as a client for 15 years, although it has agreed for one of its longtime chief executive’s key lieutenants to be deposed.

In documents filed to a New York court on Tuesday, lawyers for the lender — which faces related lawsuits from an Epstein victim and the US Virgin Islands, where the late sex offender had a home — said they did not believe Dimon was an “appropriate deponent”.

Lawyers for JPMorgan did agree to find a date in March for a deposition of Mary Erdoes, the head of JPMorgan’s asset and wealth management division, where Epstein was a client. Erdoes remains one of the bank’s top executives.

They also agreed to find a date for lawyers to interview Mary Casey, another private banker at JPMorgan in the period before the lender eventually dropped Epstein as a client in 2013.

The developments come in two fast-moving civil cases that allege JPMorgan knowingly facilitated Epstein’s pay-offs to victims and accomplices who helped him recruit young girls.

Let's be clear here:  If Epstein pulled millions out of his accounts at JPMorgan, his bankers would ask why, and if they were told, they would communicate this with their CEO, because it is a f$#@ ton of money.


In its response filed to the court on Tuesday, JPMorgan claimed Dimon was “not relevant” to the US Virgin Islands’ case and added “he was not involved in any decisions regarding Epstein’s account”.

If he wasn't then he was not doing his job, and he should be fired, we are talking about an 8 figure outflow from his accounts.

Dimon was involved, and almost certainly briefed on Epstein's conviction for f$#@ing minors, and allowed things to continue.

Dimon does not want to be on the record, because he is afraid of the truth.

*I love it when I get to go all Dr. McCoy!


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