11 June 2007

My Email to the Edwards Campaign

I meant what I said. I am leaning toward his candidacy, and I want an apology from Mr. Sanders. A real one, not a phony "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" apology.

The text (pasted into their web form):

I recently read Dave "Mudcat" Sanders' blog on time, and I am profoundly concerned by what he wrote on Time's Swampland Blog.
There are a number of reasons:

* It was anti-Jewish. Specifically his slam of "elitist wing of the Democratic Party, or what I refer to as the "Metropolitan Opera Wing"." is specifically a call to Jew Baiting.

* It was homophobic.

* It was racist, or at least it used racist code words.

I'm not of any particular importance. I have a blog with (perhaps) 100 readers a day (no I did not drop a few 0s, we are talking Z-list blogger).

I was a precinct captain for Howard Dean in 2004, but obviously the campaign was suspended before the Maryland primary.

I am given to understand that he is an adviser to your campaign.

I have not yet made a decision on which candidate to endorse, but you are currently the candidate I favor.

I will be making an endorsement before the Iowa caucuses (that and $2.50 will get you a Starbucks).

I am not suggesting that you separate Mr Saunders from your campaign.

However, SOMEONE should tell him that he needs to think before he talks.

I understand that sometimes consultants are tempted to sell themselves too much, and I believe that this is what happened here.

This campaign needs to be about John Edwards, not Dave "Mudcat" Saunders.

I would suggest that he apologize. It should be heartfelt, not a phony "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" apology, and it should be made clear to him that he needs to give his advice in private in the future.


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