12 June 2007

USAF considers scrapping Lockheed Martin JASSM deal-07/06/2007-Washington DC-Flight International

This is a very large program, and it would be a VERY big deal if it got canceled, but it should be canceled.

USAF considers scrapping Lockheed Martin JASSM deal-07/06/2007-Washington DC

By Stephen Trimble

The US Air Force may cancel the Lockheed Martin AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile programme unless the government and the contractor can agree on a plan to resolve systemic reliability issues by 27 June. The air force has invited Lockheed to propose a way forward for the programme during a 30-day assessment period, but officials are not optimistic about the potential for a successful deal.

The USAF is prepared to replace JASSM with a new-start programme or order an alternative, such as an air-launched version of the Raytheon BGM-109 Tactical Tomahawk or MBDA's Storm Shadow.

JASSM is a stealthy, penetrating cruise missile with a 453kg (1,000lb)-class warhead. Although the capability remains a requirement for warfighters, the USAF is willing to scrap the programme for a more reliable product. "We do not know if we will be able to certify this programme," says Sue Peyton, assistant secretary of the air force for acquisition.

The $5.8 billion programme needs to be certificated in order to proceed, after breaching the so-called Nunn-McCurdy limit, a congressional rule for any programme that exceeds its original budget by at least 25%. So far, the air force has spent $2 billion on developing and producing the weapon.


The certification requirement allows the USAF to pressure Lockheed to resolve a perceived reliability crisis with JASSM. In 64 flight tests to date, the JASSM has recorded 39 successes and 25 failures, with the latter caused by a wide range of usually small manufacturing quality errors or design glitches.

The air force wants Lockheed to submit an acceptable plan that would elevate the missile's 58% reliability rate to a minimum of 75%, Peyton says. The service is willing to pick up some of the costs for the reliability improvements, but Lockheed's proposal must show "the air force they really, really want this programme" by also contributing to the extra cost, she adds.


Those numbers are hideous. Even their 75% target is a big wet kiss to Lockheed.

Cancellation for cause would be a good thing.


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