11 June 2007

Specter to vote against Gonzales - Yahoo! News

This is a good thing. Bush won't let Abu Gonzalez go, because he knows where the bodies are buried, and he is a close personal friend.

We also now have confirmation that the vote means nothing, because Spector votes with the Dems only when it does not matter.

Top Republican to vote against Gonzales - Yahoo! News: "By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 16 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Monday he will vote for a no-confidence resolution against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., said he's concerned like others in his party that the resolution, sponsored by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and up for a test vote later in the day, was a Democratic effort to embarrass Bush and push Gonzales to resign.

But Specter has long said that Gonzales has exercised poor leadership on a host of issues, from the firings of eight federal prosecutors to the Justice Department's handling of wiretapping authority under the USA Patriot Act.

'If you ask Arlen Specter, do I have confidence in Attorney General Gonzales, the answer is a resounding no,' Specter said during a news conference in Philadelphia. 'I'm going to vote that I have no confidence in Attorney General Gonzales.'"



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