So The Guardian had an article, "Marlon Brando fury at ‘feeling like a freak’ among revelations in new book of Hollywood secrets."
I know that this is outside of my normal bailiwick, but put your mouse over the link and look at the url.
Notice this bit, "marlon-brandon-fury."
I know what you are thinking, it's just a URL, but there is a note at the bottom of the article:
The headline of this article was amended on 4 January 2025 to correct a misspelling of Marlon Brando’s surname.The Guardian is legion for both its corrections section and its predilection for typographical errors.
It is well deserved.
H/T Stephen Saroff (My Brother) o o The Bear who Swims (_)_____o ~~~~(______)~~~~~~~~~~ oo oo*According to the Wiki, The Guardian, formerly the Manchester Guardian in the UK. It's nicknamed the Grauniad because of its penchant for typographical errors, "The nickname The Grauniad for the paper originated with the satirical magazine Private Eye. It came about because of its reputation for frequent and sometimes unintentionally amusing typographical errors, hence the popular myth that the paper once misspelled its own name on the page one masthead as The Gaurdian, though many recall the more inventive The Grauniad."
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