25 September 2024

Watching YouTube

Why are ⅔ of the ads that I am seeing on the video sharing coming from Donald Trump's campaign?

I thought that Google was spying on me to make sure that they would deliver things that would interest me, but, much like it was 13 years ago, when this blog was inundated with John McCain Presidential campaign ads.

At the time, I was calling him a pathetic corrupt hypocrite, and every time that I did, they served ads on this blog.

You would think that they would have revised and unproved their ad targeting some in the intervening years, since it's clear that they have stopped even pretending about giving a f%$# about the quality of their search.

Well, I would have thought that, but I would have been wrong.

Once again, I'm beginning to think that online advertising is more than just an exercise in monopolistic rent extraction, that it's actually fraud in the strict definition of the term.

At least, I'm not seeing Trump ads on the blog though.


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