25 September 2024

He Who Hesitates is Lost


Over the past few weeks, I have been following the developments in the corruption investigations of the administration of New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

It's been a slow drip, drip, drip, and I have been saving links for a future post where I run down what is actually happening.

Well, I now have 22 links that I am still going  through, and it's f%$#ing exhausting.

OK, I have 23 links now, because Eric Adams has been indicted.

I f%$#ed up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No details on the indictment yet, but it appears to be related to (at least) campaign finance shenanigans.  I'm not surprised.  I have been describing Hizzoner as a delusional and sanctimonious snollygoster for some time.  After all, he has literally suggested that it is God's will that he is Mayor.  

Unless you are Jake or Elwood Blues, such an assertion is an indication of some sort of personality disorder.

What's more, it appears that the almost all of entire senior cadres in New York City's first responders are corrupt, the above mentioned fire chief being an example.

Of course, the fire chief could have bought the Lamborgini in the non-illegal way, by massively abusing overtime. but it is still as corrupt as f%$#.

Normally, I'm not inclined to prejudge someone simply on the basis of a warrant or an indictment,* but it's pretty clear that Eric Adams has been corrupt, even if it turns out not to be technically criminal.

I'm going to enjoy following this, but right now I have to do a deep dive on 23 24 25 articles that I have been sitting on.

*OK, you got me. In fact I am extremely inclined to prejudge people when they are this f%$#ing guilty. This is Max Bialystock levels of guilt.


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