25 August 2024

Still Can't Make Spacecraft

Boeing again, and we have a data point which goes a long way to explain why its Starliner has left 2 astronauts stuck on the International Space Station until February.

In a classic, "I see what your problem is," moment, we now know that workers at Boeing's New Orleans facility are inadequately trained and inexperienced

To be fair, how could they overpay executives or engage in massive stock buybacks if they had properly trained personnel?

An undertrained and inexperienced workforce at NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans is a key reason for a "degraded state" of quality control on the Artemis project that's set to send astronauts to the Moon and then Mars in coming decades, according to the space agency's internal watchdog.

In a scathing report issued Thursday, NASA's Office of Inspector General cited rocket maker Boeing, which employs more than 1,000 people at Michoud, for dozens of problems on its Space Launch System rockets that are being assembled there.

An upgraded version of the SLS rocket is more than seven years behind schedule and $1 billion over budget, and federal monitors found 71 problems on the Michoud-based project ranging from minor to potentially serious.

To be fair, the Starliner is not made at the Michoud facility, but the refusal to invest in people or equipment to get the job done is systemic.


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