21 July 2024

We Have a Winner!

For the worst possible take on Biden dropping out of the race.

Rather unsurprisingly, it comes from serial misogynist Aaron Sorkin, and it was published in the New York Times.

He suggests that the Democrats nominate 77 year old Mitt Romney, because when Aaron Sorkin is not busy stealing lines from Keith Olbermann's dad for his scripts, he's a self-important moron who fancies himself a super genius for writing a political porn series on network television starting in the last century.

So, you want someone almost as old as Donald Trump, someone who had dismissed 47% of the US population as leeches, someone who made his money laying off workers while at a private equity fund, someone who joked about the pooping dog on the roof of his car, etc.?

Aaron Sorkin, please f%$# off.  Now.

As for the New York Times, the, "Paper of record," is now beyond parody.  It has degenerated into little more than a telethon for the over-privileged.


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