04 April 2024

As a Doctor Who Fan, I am not Flattered

A cow-orker of mine finds that my "Mad SolidWorks Skilz" impressive enough that he has nicknamed me, "Master," and he occasionally calls me, "The Master."

As a Doctor Who fan, I find it a bit disconcerting.

There is only one, "The Master," and that is the late actor Roger Caesar Marius Bernard de Delgado Torres Castillo Roberto.

OK, I'll also grant that John Simms and  especially Michelle Gomez have done very well, but there is just no filling the shoes left by Roger Delgado.

In any case, if any of you out there are wondering, I am not a time traveling evil genius bent on taking over the earth.

I tend to think of myself as the sidekick, but not of The Master.

Rather I think of myself as being the sidekick of an evil genius whose proclivities are a bit less lethal to his assistants.

I wonder what sort of dental plan comes with being the minion of an evil genius.



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