04 April 2024

We are F%$#ed

The predicted recession of Greenland's glaciers have been generated using Antarctica as a model, which is highly problematic, because Greenland has fjords with glaciers that terminate at the edge of the shore, while Antarctica has floating ice shelves extending hundreds of miles out into the ocean.

Well, some scientists decided to update the model, and, "Greenland's glaciers are melting 100 times faster than estimated."

If Greenland loses its ice fields, ocean levels would rise by (at least) 7 meters.

Not good:

Greenland's glaciers are melting 100 times faster than previously calculated, according to a new model that takes into account the unique interaction between ice and water at the island’s fjords.

The new mathematical representation of glacial melt factors in the latest observations of how ice gets eaten away from the stark vertical faces at the ends of glaciers in GGreenland. Previously, scientists used models developed in Antarctica, where glacial tongues float on top of seawater — a very different arrangement.

"For years, people took the melt rate model for Antarctic floating glaciers and applied it to Greenland's vertical glacier fronts," lead author Kirstin Schulz, a research associate in the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at University of Texas at Austin, said in a statement. "But there is more and more evidence that the traditional approach produces too low melt rates at Greenland's vertical glacier fronts."

The researchers published their findings in September in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Scientists have consistently been wrong about anthropogenic climate change. 

They have repeated been too conservative on the effects of human driven climate change.


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