06 September 2023

Methinks the Lady Doth Protest Too Much

I think that I found your problem
And by, "Lady," I mean the Apartheid Emerald Heir Pedo Guy™, Elon Musk, who is now threatening to sue the ADL for calling out the increase in antisemitism and other bigotry on Twitter.

First, in the US at least, the truth is always a defense.

Second, I'd pay good money to be in the room, or on Zoom, when Elon has to sit down for discovery.

Elon Musk has threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League after accusing the US-based civil rights group that campaigns against antisemitism and bigotry of trying to “kill” his X social media platform.

The owner of X, formerly known as Twitter, said the ADL was trying to shut down his company by “falsely accusing it and me of being antisemitic”.

In a series of posts on X, Musk said advertising sales for the business were down 60% and “based on what we’ve heard from advertisers, ADL seems to be responsible for most of our revenue loss”.


Musk recently sued another anti-hate speech group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, in a lawsuit accusing it of damaging X’s relationship with advertisers. CCDH has said it will fight the lawsuit and keep holding “Twitter’s feet to the fire”.

So, Musk personally endorsing the antisemitic "Ban the ADL" campaign, accused the ADL of being the worst purveyors antisemitism on Ecch, accused George Soros of hating humanity, and said that the Jews "Own the Press."

I cannot imagine why people think that Elon Musk is a bigot.


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