07 September 2023

Gee, Maybe That Phony Study Hurt Your Funding?

Cochrane, a medical research group has announced major cuts after losing much of its funding.

Perhaps that whole episode where you published an anti-vaxx article from a Great Barrington Declaration nut job that you had to retract before the ink was dry has something to do with this.

Certainly, it could explain why UK National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has gotten skittish about funding them, though there have been concerns about the quality of their work dating back to at least 2017.

Note that the first link makes NO reference whatsoever to that whole sordid affair, because they just want to wring their hands. 

Also, the Cochrane library was the only game in town, metastudies, when it was founded 30 years ago.  Now, not so much.


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