13 August 2023

Speaking of Jail

Right wing domestic terrorist Ammon Bundy was arrested for an outstanding contempt of court warrant in Emmett, Idaho.

Police arrested far-right political activist Ammon Bundy on Friday night on an outstanding warrant in his latest brush with law enforcement, and he remained in custody at the Gem County Jail on Saturday, a Gem County Sheriff’s Office deputy told the Idaho Statesman.

Bundy was booked into the jail Friday night on the warrant, which an Ada County judge issued for contempt of court in April, Gem County Sheriff’s Sgt. White, who declined to provide his first name, told the Statesman.

Bundy’s bond was set at $10,000 for his release, which by Saturday morning had yet to be posted, White said. If Bundy does not post bail, he will be held in jail over the weekend before appearing before a judge in Gem County on Monday and then transferred to Ada County, White said.

District Judge Lynn Norton of Idaho’s 4th Judicial District issued the arrest warrant for Bundy after he violated a court order to avoid witness harassment and intimidation in a since-resolved civil lawsuit against him, the Statesman previously reported. The civil warrant for Bundy was issued in April for failure to obey a preliminary injunction order, Patrick Orr, spokesperson for the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, confirmed to the Statesman by phone Saturday.

He'll probably spend the weekend in jail. 

Not long enough.


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