13 August 2023

More Luxury Trips

Not Clarence Thomas, this time it's Judge Eileen Cannon, but it still has Leonard Leo behind it:

Donald Trump must have thought all his Christmases had come at once. As federal investigators explored his alleged hoarding of sensitive documents in 2022, Aileen Cannon, a judge nominated by the former president, was assigned the case.

It wasn’t just that Trump had appointed Cannon, who has since made rulings which would appear to help his defense. It was that Cannon was from an emerging rightwing cadre of the judiciary – a cabal of conservative judges created by Leonard Leo, the ultimate Republican kingmaker and a close Trump ally.


With Cannon’s profile higher than ever, her impartiality is being questioned. The judge’s financial disclosure form for 2021, which was reviewed by Accountable.US, a liberal-leaning watchdog group that tracks government corruption, shows that she was reimbursed by George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School
[It was originally named the Antonin Scalia School of Law, until someone realized that it spelled out "ASSLAW") for a six day trip to “colloquium seminar” held at a resort and spa in Montana in September.

In a just world, Leonard Leo would in the dock for multiple charges of attempted bribery.

In a perfect world, Leonard Leo would be sharing a cell at  ADX Florence with Terry Nichols.


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