05 May 2023

This is Weird

It appears that Japanese conveyor belt sushi restaurants, Kaitenzushi (回転寿司), are threatened by people who are licking the sushi.

While the Kaitenzushi are a rather uniquely Japanese thing, it appears that the adulterating food is yet another by social media influencers to boost their audience.

Osama bin Laden was right about the West, which in this case includes Japan, we are a truly debauched society:

Japanese police have arrested three people over "sushi terror": viral, unhygienic pranks that are threatening the world-famous feature of sushi conveyor belt restaurants.

Last month, a video of a man licking a soy sauce bottle on a sushi conveyor went viral, sparking outrage.

In the video, he can be seen squashing sushi dishes at a Kura Sushi restaurant branch.

Since then, dozens of such videos have proliferated sparking public concern.

Incidents filmed include diners - many of whom are children and young people - spoiling others' orders by touching sushi dishes passing by.

One video which emerged last month showed a customer putting wasabi on another's dish, while another person licked the presented chopsticks.

In another video, filmed at a Sushiro chain outlet, a diner is seen rubbing saliva on passing sushi pieces.

The viral trend has horrified many Japanese and spurred action from several conveyor-belt sushi chains - known as kaitenzushi locally.
Who knew that the TV show Jackass wasn't just a bunch of idiots doing stupid sh%$.  It was prophecy.

It's Nostra-Dumbass all over again.


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