13 March 2023

Never Underestimate the Incompetence and Actual Malice of the WSJ Editorial Page

While I am rarely surprised at the sh$# that the Wall Street Journal allows in the OP/ED section, today I am.

Casual bigotry is par for the course, but applying it so blatantly and so stupidly to the world of finance positively buggers the mind.

Andy Kessler was writing on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and this swine presented us something that was most certainly not a pearl:


Was there regulatory failure? Perhaps. SVB was regulated like a bank but looked more like a money-market fund. Then there’s this: In its proxy statement, SVB notes that besides 91% of their board being independent and 45% women, they also have “1 Black,” “1 LGBTQ+” and “2 Veterans.” I’m not saying 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but the company may have been distracted by diversity demands.

(emphasis mine)

Yes, of course.  There never were any financial crises until women, and blacks, and the LGBTQ started getting into places of authority.

In fact, in the good old days, there were no gay people in finance, or gay people covering finance, just ask Andrew Tobias.

Seriously, I get that the WSJ editorial page is a nest of scoundrels and bigots, but I did not think that they hired someone this stupid.


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