13 March 2023

I Know What, "Fox News," Is,

And I know what, "Journalism," is, and I know what, "Proprietary Processes," is, but when you juxtapose those three terms, you end up with complete gibberish.

It appears that Fox news wants the records in the Dominion Voting defamation suit be sealed, because:

Media organizations have spent recent weeks feasting on all the emails and text messages emerging from the ongoing defamation case Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News. They depict a propaganda network in panicked action — promoting election-theft theories that hosts and executives don’t believe, denouncing reporters who do actual journalism, and fretting about audience loss.

Yet a motion that Fox News filed on Friday may outpace all the internal correspondence for sheer risibility. It argues that the Delaware court presiding over the case should maintain the confidentiality of discovery material already redacted by the network, shielding it from the public’s curious eyes. As anyone who has read through the Dominion filings can attest, swaths of black lines cover passage after passage in briefs and exhibits. Could the redacted text be as scandalous as the public text?

Fox News lawyers say one reason for the confidentiality is that competitors will pounce: “Prematurely disclosing these other details on Fox’s internal and proprietary journalistic processes may allow competitors to appropriate these processes for their own competitive advantage, to Fox’s detriment, and may chill future newsgathering activity,” the filing reads.

Hold on here. Given the revelations that have emerged thus far from the litigation, what “journalistic processes” are in place at Fox News, proprietary or otherwise? And if another media organization moved to “appropriate” them, wouldn’t its editor in chief be sacked?

(emphasis mine)

What WaPo media reporter Eric Wemple is noting that the idea of Fox having some sort of journalistic "secret sauce" is a complete mind f$#@.

Among other things, Fox "News" does not have written editorial guidelines, which is not surprising, since they have no editorial standards at all.

I hate to tell the Murdochs this, but this is no secret to anyone who has watched ½ an hour of Fox "News."

What Fox "News" is really trying to do is to avoid more embarrassing revelations.

Fox "News" claiming that it has proprietary journalistic "Kung Fu", is like Mary Mallon writing a book titled, "Sanitary Food Preparation."


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