27 December 2021

I Missed this in September

The good folks at Ars Technica had a review of their top stories of the year, and I came across a story that I had missed. It appears that a hospital told their employees that if they had a religious objection to Covid-19 vaccines because or the use of fetal stem cells, they would have to pledge to eschew all drugs developed with that technology.

The list of drugs developed with that technology includes, "Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, ibuprofen, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, albuterol, Preparation H, MMR vaccine, Claritin, Zoloft, Prilosec OTC, and azithromycin." 

Nice way to call out religious hypocrisy:

A hospital system in Arkansas is making it a bit more difficult for staff to receive a religious exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The hospital is now requiring staff to also swear off extremely common medicines, such as Tylenol, Tums, and even Preparation H, to get the exemption.


"This was significantly disproportionate to what we've seen with the influenza vaccine," Matt Troup, president and CEO of Conway Regional Health System, told Becker's Hospital Review in an interview Wednesday.

"Thus," Troup went on, "we provided a religious attestation form for those individuals requesting a religious exemption," he said. The form includes a list of 30 commonly used medicines that "fall into the same category as the COVID-19 vaccine in their use of fetal cell lines," Conway Regional said.

The list includes Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, ibuprofen, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, albuterol, Preparation H, MMR vaccine, Claritin, Zoloft, Prilosec OTC, and azithromycin.

Conway Regional notes that the list includes commonly used and available drugs but that it is not an all-inclusive list of such medicines.


The intent of the form is twofold, Troup says. First, the hospital wants to ensure that staff members are sincere in their stated beliefs, he said, and second, it wants to "educate staff who might have requested an exemption without understanding the full scope of how fetal cells are used in testing and development in common medicines.

I am amused.


marku said...

I call BS. Nice idea, but at least, Pepto Bismol and Tums are nothing but elemental chemicals, and were in use long before anyone knew what a stem cell was.

Matthew Saroff said...

My guess is that stem cells are used as a part of the manufacturing quality control process to detect contamination.

Matthew Saroff said...

Did a quick Google of Acetaminophen Stem Cells, and yes, stem cells are being used to find treatments for overdoses, among other things.

Considering the fact that there are more deaths for Acetaminophen overdoses than any other over the counter drug, one has to say that it has been developed with stem cells.

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