17 July 2021


Not a mask in sight

I think that the Texas legislators who fled to Washington, DC in order to prevent the passage of racist restrictive voting laws did a good and brave thing.

However, given that there is a pandemic going on, if you get into a small metal tube with dozens of other people for a few hours, (see picture) taking the basic precaution of wearing a mask is eminently reasonable.

They did not, and now 3 of the legislators have tested positive for Covid-19.

Three Texas House Democrats who fled to Washington this past week to prevent voting restrictions from being passed in their state have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a statement from the Texas House Democratic Caucus.

On Friday night, one member of the caucus tested positive for the virus that causes covid-19 and immediately informed the rest of the caucus; members and staff then took rapid tests, all of which were negative, the statement said.

“The caucus also consulted current CDC guidance, which says that fully vaccinated people who had been exposed to someone who tested positive do not need to take any additional precautions unless they are showing symptoms,” the caucus stated, suggesting that the first member who tested positive may not have been symptomatic.

On Saturday morning, two additional members tested positive on rapid tests, caucus leaders said.

All three members were fully vaccinated, they added. Caucus leaders did not identify any of the members.

Vaccinated or not, wear your f%$#ing mask.

Also to the CDC which seems hell bent on relax.paing its mask recommendations, get a clue


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