11 November 2009

Economics Update (a Day Late) (Again!)

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Ambac share prices

MBIA Share price

We are Unbelievably Screwed, H/t The Big Picture

Job Turnaround? Perhaps the End of the Beginning, but Not the Beginning of the End
For a bit of Auld Lang Syne, let's start with an update on the monoliner insurers...I've posted on them just once since May.

Ambac's share price is collapsing on reports that it will file for bankruptcy, and MBIA posted a $728 million loss, which comes to about $3.50/share, and the shares are trading at about $3.69 right now....ouch.

The monoliner business model is that you create a company, get an AAA rating, and then make money by renting out that credit rating.

Among other things, it's a way to soften the blow of the comparatively low credit ratings that states and municipalities get, and it allows for another revenue stream for the parasites on Wall Street to tap.

I think think that the entire business is essentially corrupt, and should be outlawed.

In any case, we do have news that might be a cause for optimism, with China’s industrial output and retail sales grew sharply in October, and the US Department of Labor's Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey rose slightly in both September and October.

On the down side are the continued fall in retail sales (see 3rd chart down), and the vacancy rate in housing is at a 44-year high.

The recent news does not seem to have effected the price of Treasurys, though which were basically flat.

In energy, we have weather, specifically the fact that Ida was pretty weak by the time that it hit oil producing areas, driving oil down, and China's gangbuster economic report drove the US dollar down.


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