08 January 2009

OK, Google Adsense is Just Fracked

I'm looking at my blog page, and I have a post excoriating David Frum, and what do I see beneath?

An ad. An ad for "free grants for Republicans".

As I've said before, I do not vet my ads, but when I see something like this, I make fun of them.

This might honk off the sponsor, but their deal is with Adsense, who should know better that to do ad pitches to 'Phants on my site.

I'm not worried about the loss of revenue either...I'm generating about $11/month.

On the other hand, if one of you sees a similarly stupid ad, send me a screenshot, and I will make fun of them too.

As a side note, I thought that the ad for the RC model jet fighters was kind of cool.

(No link, just the picture, because the link could be as an inducement to fraudulently click through, which violates Google Adsense terms of service.)


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