08 January 2009

Obama Staffing Update

Cass Sunstein as head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. The position sounds obscure, but it was used to great effect by Reagan, Poppy Bush, and Bush Jr. to prevent meaningful regulation by requiring unrealistic levels of proof that a new regulation would not inconveinence the business in question. I still do not like Sunstein, he is pro torture, and his discussions of Roe v. Wade are appalling, but this pretty much rules out a Supreme Court appointment for him, with is a good thing.

I'm even less sanguine about the reports that he is appointing John Brennan as Counter-terrorism Czar at the NSC. This is someone who has been a vociferous supporter of torture and rendition, doing the talk shows in support of these policies...Ecch.

On the other hand, I am heartened by reports that Obama will keep Sheila Bair as chairman of the FDIC. When I heard reports that Treasury Secretary nominee Eddie Haskell Timothy Geithner wanted her gone for not being a "team player" because she focused too much on home owners, and not enough on banks, I figured that she was on her way out.


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