07 November 2008

Election Updates

Just a note on Alaska, the actual balloting appears to be very screwed up, surprising given the fact that they have such a small number of votes to count.

I'm not calling conspiracy, it appears that this is a perennial thing and it happened in 2004 too.

Still, Stevens is clinging to a slim lead.

I'm not sure if I want him to lose, or if I want him to be expelled by the Senate. Which ever hurts him more.

The man has been a cancer on the body politic for decades.

It's looking worse for Darcy Burner in WA-8. She is down about 5200 votes.

And Coleman/Franken Senate race in Minnesota is still to close to call. What was an 800 vote margin is now a 239 vote margin, and that's before the recount starts. This is just figuring the official vote count.


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