23 June 2008

Tsvangirai Withdraws from Zimbabwe Runoff, Calls for International Intervention

Basically, he's saying that any election would be a sham because of the levels of violence.

Needless it does not help that Mugabe is claiming rule through divine right:
"Only God, who appointed me, will remove me, not the MDC, not the British," Mugabe declared in the city of Bulawayo on Friday. "Only God will remove me!"
Tsvangirai is also calling for international intervention, though it is clear that as long as Thabo Mbeki is involved in the process, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will do nothing, so any meaningful intervention will have to go through the UN, as South Africa is the colossus of the region, but Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's president, is the functions as the moral pygmy shielding Mugabe.

Thankfully, he should be succeeded by Jacob Zuma in the less than a month.

Hopefully, individual countries will go the route of Australia, and impose tough sanctions, such as, "financial sanctions and suspending non-humanitarian aid, and defence and ministerial links, besides travel bans on members of the Zimbabwe regime."


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