22 June 2008

Barack Obama Sells Us All Out

And so did Pelosi, Hoyer, Emmanuel, and all the rest of them.It does not matter if you are a Democrat, or a Republican, black, white, or polka dotted. He sold you out, he sole me out, he sold out George Washington, and Ben Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton, and Abraham Lincoln.

They sold out every last one of us.

Glenn Greenwald nails it when he says that, "Telling Americans that we have to give up basic constitutional rights -- and allow rampant lawbreaking -- if we want to save ourselves from "the grave threats we face" sounds awfully familiar. He says he will work to remove amnesty from the bill, but once that fails, will vote for the "compromise." Obama has obviously calculated that sacrificing the rule of law and the Fourth Amendment is a worthwhile price to pay to bolster his standing a tiny bit in a couple of swing states. The full Obama statement is here."

What Glenn Greenwald does not note, and I will, is that the behavior of this administration shows that this is about their spying on political opponents, not about security, because that is the only thing that would have them freaking out like this, because it's the only thing that would send them to jail.

To be completely fair, he does say in his statement that he will, "work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses,", but as Digby says, this translates to, "maybe show up to vote on some amendment that will surely be struck down and then whimper away."

Atrios gives him a wanker of the day award.

I have post dated this so that it will show at the top of the blog for the next few days.


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