10 December 2007

Romney Spreading "Walking Around Money" In Iowa

It appears that he's paying for endorsements. Thomas Edsall, Ethan Hova report that Romney is making massive payments to various Republicans as "GOTV Consulting".
The payments start at $500 a month, the base rate for student leaders, many of whom are chairs in the "Iowa Students for Romney" campaign organization. At a higher level, Joe Earle, former director of the Iowa Christian Alliance (the successor to the Iowa Christian Coalition) gets $4,000 a month, and Gary Marx, a top-level member on the Romney for President National Faith And Values Steering Committee, gets $8,000 a month.
Well, it appears that he gets votes the old fashioned way, he buys them.

It's surprising that Giuliani is not doing the same, he's got an even larger war chest.


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