10 December 2007

Bigots in California Vote to Seceed from Episcopal Church

Please, play hardball. The national church can take the property and bank accounts, and it should.

The New York Times reposts that this appears to be the case:
The Episcopal Church has said that people can depart, but they must leave their property, which, it contends, is held in trust for the church. If the diocese sticks to its position, the church would likely vacate the diocese and reconstitute it with the congregations that choose to remain and a new bishop. The church and loyalist dioceses are already involved in several lawsuits against breakaway congregations that have insisted on keeping their property.
This is a game of chicken, and one wonders who blinks first.

My guess is that it will be the non-bigots, who are concerned about civility, as opposed to the bigots, who don't care.


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