04 October 2024

White People Affirmative Action

California has banned legacy admission at all colleges and universities in the state, including private institutions.

This is a good thing.  Legacy admissions as defined in this law get us people like Jared Kushner:

It will soon be illegal for public and private universities in California to consider an applicant’s relationship to alumni or donors when deciding whether to admit them.

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed a ban on the practice known as legacy admissions, a change that will affect prestigious institutions including Stanford University and the University of Southern California.

California’s law, which will take effect Sept. 1, 2025, is the nation’s fifth legacy admissions ban, but only the second that will apply to private colleges.


Like other states, California won’t financially penalize violators, but it will post the names of violators on the state Department of Justice’s website.

California will also add to data reporting requirements that it implemented in 2022, when private colleges had to start sharing the percentage of admitted students who were related to donors and alumni. Schools that run afoul of the new law will also have to report more granular demographic information about their incoming classes to the state, including the race and income of enrolled students as well as their participation in athletics.

Technically, this would unlawful, not illegal. If it were illegal, there would be a possibility of fines and arrests.

When some District Attorney arrest school administrators because they engaged in a criminal conspiracy for doing this, I'll believe that people are serious about enforcing this.

Actually, I'll believe this when we see mass arrests at Stanford University.


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