17 October 2024

Not Enough

The criminal organization/consultancy McKinsey & Company will pay at least $½ billion to settle charges that it was a criminal co-conspirator with big pharma drug pushers.

Of course, they are denying wrongdoing.  (Of course, they are lying about that)

McKinsey & Co. is nearing a deal with US prosecutors to pay at least $500 million to settle federal probes into its past work helping opioid makers boost sales, according to people familiar with the matter.

A settlement, which could be announced in the coming weeks, would resolve criminal and civil investigations by the Justice Department, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing a confidential matter. The terms haven’t been finalized and could still change.


The settlement would add to penalties that McKinsey has already paid US states for its past work with drug companies that produced highly-addictive painkillers. The privately held firm, which said it generated a record $16 billion in revenue last year, agreed in 2021 to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to settle claims by states that it helped fuel the country’s opioid epidemic by providing sales analysis and marketing advice.

Note that they were doing this while they were consulting with (among others) the FDA, a clear conflict of interest.

Considering the company's long record of aiding and abetting corruption, one has to wonder why they are accredited to consult with the government.

McKinsey is to business ethics what Ebola is to French kissing.


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