17 September 2024

Way to F%$# Up a Good Idea

The US Department of the Treasury has proposed a new rule that would require large corporations to pay at least 15% of their profits in taxes.

This rule was authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) , and the IRA was came into effect in ……… August 2022.

Gee, only 2 years to draw up the rule.

Well, I guess that this is better than the "Never" that a Republican administration would take to promulgate a rule:

The Biden administration on Thursday proposed a new rule that would require the largest U.S. companies to pay at least 15% of their profits in taxes.

Treasury Department officials estimate that about 100 of the biggest corporations — those with at least $1 billion in annual profits — would be forced to pay more in taxes under a provision that was included in the administration’s 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Democratic members of Congress, including Elizabeth Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, have urged the White House to implement the tax.

Similar to the alternative minimum tax that applies to mostly wealthier individuals, the corporate AMT seeks to ensure that large corporations can’t use tax loopholes and exceptions avoid paying little or no taxes on extensive profits.

The tax is a key plank administration’s’ “agenda to make the biggest corporations and wealthiest pay their fair share,” the Treasury Department said.

Gee, that's nice.  Why did it take 2 f%$#ing years?  Why?

Given that the Congressional Review Act gives 60 LEGISLATIVE days to pass such a rule, it could be subject to repeal after the next President is sworn in.

Seriously, I have to conclude that the Treasury decided to drag its feet in the hope of completing a complete cluster-f%$#.

Either that, or outright cowardice, or maybe both.


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