02 September 2024

Totally Not Surprising

Researchers at the University of Toronto and the University of Miami have found that people who use cryptocurrencies are more likely to exhibit psychopathic tendencies.

Not surprised at all:

Cryptocurrency is an industry notably rife with fraudsters, nutjobs, and criminals. Now, in a development that just makes sense, an academic team has published a study asserting that people who are really into fake internet money are more likely to display psychopathic tendencies.

Researchers at the University of Toronto and the University of Miami recently set out to answer the question: “How are cryptocurrency buyers different from those who do not purchase cryptocurrency?” To get to the bottom of this, they surveyed 2,001 American adults, asking them questions about themselves and about their interest in cryptocurrency. They found that crypto’s core demographic is a bunch of maladjusted young men who believe everybody’s out to get them.

“The results presented here suggest that cryptocurrency ownership is associated with several nonnormative and arguably maladaptive characteristics,” the report says. “Crypto ownership was associated with belief in conspiracy theories, ‘dark’ personality characteristics (e.g., the ‘Dark Tetrad’ of narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism), and more frequent use of alternative and fringe social media platforms,” it continues.

When one consider what makes cryptocurrency attractive to some people, it comes down to money for nothing, and, in the case of folks like A16Z, the ease of using insider access to make a profit before the pyramid comes tumbling down.

It follows that this would select for psychopathic traits.


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