01 September 2024

That F%$#ing Paper

This is a nickname for the New York Times favored by Duncan "Atrios" Black, and it is particularly apt in this case

But I am coming here to bury the Times not to praise it for this correction:

A correction was made on Sept. 1, 2024: An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that a local chapter of Moms for Liberty had accidentally quoted Adolf Hitler in a newsletter. The group, which later issued an apology, was aware that the quote was from Hitler when the newsletter was published.

It only took them 24 hours to correct this, but seeing as how it has been known for over a year that the quote was deliberate, and the NYT itself covered the controversy, they get no props from me. 

Also, it's at the bottom of the article, where no one will see it, as is generally the case. 

Seriously, there is something seriously wrong with the so-called "Paper of Record".


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