04 September 2024

Republican Commitments to Education (With a Side Order of Excellent Student Journalism)

Remember when I wrote about former Senator Ben Sasse's looting of public funds at the University of Florida

It appears to be tied to his abrupt departure from his position as the University president.

He has announced that an audit has reported that his spending was appropriate, but once again, the student journalists at The Independent Florida Alligator have uncovered, no audit was ever conducted.

Gee, Sasse lied?  Hoocoocanode.

Once again, major props for good shoe-leather journalism:

Former UF president Ben Sasse said a completed audit found no wrongdoing when it came to his spending. But according to public records, the audit never existed.

In an Aug. 16 X post responding to a previous Alligator report on his expenditures, Sasse wrote, “It is my understanding that the Audit Committee of our board did its work thoroughly and without any findings of concern.”

A request from The Alligator for any internal audits requested during the fiscal year 2023-2024 was returned without any indication of a UF presidential audit. Expenditures related to Sasse were not among the 17 audit requests listed in the report.

There is also no documentation of a current, future or completed audit from the state.

The Board of Governors for Florida’s State University System announced Aug. 15 it would conduct its own audit into UF’s presidential office. Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis announced the Florida Department of Financial Services would help the Florida Board of Governors investigate any fraud or wrongdoing in Sasse’s expenditures.

As an FYI, the original story came out on August 12, so their plans for an audit can best be described as damage control, and not a good faith effort.


A public records request submitted to the Florida Department of Financial Services also found no proof of a UF presidential audit being discussed, planned or completed by the state.

The Alligator does very good work, and they are a tax-exempt 501(c)3, and they are independent of UF.

Buy them coffee, or send them pizzas, or make a tax-deductible contribution.

Note that I have no contact with anyone on the paper.  All I know is the articles that they published.


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