18 September 2024

Nice to See, Even Though It Will Fail

It's an old story, neoliberal French President tries a hail Mary by calling snap parliamentary elections, French President's party gets destroyed by the right wing fascists in the first round, collaborates with the left in the second round, defeating the right wing fascists, but with his party coming in third.

Then the aforementioned neoliberal French President delays in appointing a Prime Minister, and then ignores the fact that the left has the most seats in parliament and appoints a right-wing party apparatchik in alliance with the Fascists that he campaigned against, and then impeachment proceedings are initiated against the scumbag French President.

What's more, the first step of the impeachment passes through almost immediately.

Impeaching a French President is a very involved process, and this is only the first of somewhere around a dozen steps, but it is a well deserved slap in the face for Emanuel Macron:

The radical left La France Insoumise (LFI) party's effort to remove Emmanuel Macron from office passed a first crucial step on Tuesday, September 17. The bureau of the Assemblée Nationale, the institution's top decision-making body, validated the admissibility of the procedure initiated by LFI, with the support of the Greens, the Communists and even the Socialists.

Since the lengthy late-night session at the installation of the 27th legislature on July 19, the left-wing Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) coalition has held a majority of 12 of the 22 seats on the bureau of the Assemblée, which is chaired by Assemblée Nationale president Yaël Braun-Pivet, a member of Macron's Renaissance party.

This new majority has emboldened LFI, which on August 17 threatened Macron with impeachment if he did not appoint Lucie Castets, the NFP candidate for prime minister. After Macron decided not to name Castets, LFI put their money where their mouth was and submitted their text.


Introduced by the 2007 constitutional amendment, this procedure for the impeachment of the president has never been successful and requires a two-thirds majority in Parliament to form a High Court. The procedure is limited to a single reading in each chamber, all within a fortnight. Article 68 of the Constitution stipulates that the president can only be removed "in the event of a breach of duty manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate."

This ambiguous definition allows lawmakers to assess for themselves what constitutes a breach of duty by the president. The sanction is, above all, political, as the president remains immune from criminal, civil and administrative liability while in office.

It's clear that Macron sees the right wing as the opposition, but the left wing as the enemy, and it's also clear that he sandbagged them throughout this process.

If there is a lesson to be learned, it's that the left should never trust the center (centre?) anything .  They would rather, as Boise Penrose noted, "Preside over the ruins."

I expect Marine Le Pen to be the next French President, because the center prefers mass deportations and race riots than the prospect of even the smallest restoration of the welfare state.


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