11 September 2024

Neener Neener Reader(s)

I know what you are all wondering following my drunk blogging of the Presidential debate, how bad was my hangover.

I had no hangover at all.

I have in fact never to had a hangover, though I did wake up drunk once, which was a bit disconcerting to put it mildly.

Some peculiarity in my metabolism and/or neurology that means that in the few hundred times that I have been drunk over the past forty some odd years, I have never had a hangover.  (I figure 2-4 times a year, I do not drink that much)

Don't hate me because I'm hangover proof.

I put this down to genetics.

I know 4 people who don't get hangovers, and three of them are definitely of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, and I am not sure about the religious and ethnic heritage of the 4th individual. 

If you share this bit of biology, share it in the comments.

I will offer one warning to those so blessed, of the 4 people that I know, 2 are recovering alcoholics.

Without the prospect of a hangover, it appears that unrestrained behavior is more likely.


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