27 August 2024

Nice, But I Want Him in an Orange Jumpsuit

Special counsel Jack Smith has issued a superseding indictment for Donald Trump's attempts at insurrection on January 6.

He convened a different grand jury, and presented evidence as restricted by the recent Supreme Court decision. (Grand jury presentations are secret, but it is a reasonable supposition)

They returned the same four felony indictments.

This is not a surprise.  As the old saying goes, "A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich."

I won't believe that this amounts to anything until Donald Trump is dragged off to prison kicking and screaming. 

Even if Smith gets a conviction, between appeals and the six thoroughly corrupt members of the Supreme Court, I do not think that he will ever spend a day in the slam.

Federal prosecutors on Tuesday issued a pared-down version of an indictment accusing former President Donald J. Trump of plotting to overturn the 2020 election, stripping out some charges and tweaking others to help the case survive the Supreme Court’s recent ruling granting former presidents broad immunity.

The revised indictment, issued in Federal District Court in Washington, represented an attempt by prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, to preserve the bulk of their case against the former president while bringing the allegations into line with the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that former presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for many official acts taken while in office.

It kept the basic structure of the first indictment, issued nearly 13 months ago, which accused Mr. Trump of intersecting plots to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The thrust of the changes was to remove any discussion from the indictment of any allegations that might be construed as related to Mr. Trump’s official acts as president while also contending that others acts should be interpreted as the conduct of a private candidate for office.



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