28 August 2024

Full Safe Driving, Huh?

It turns out that the Teslas operating in the Boring Company tunnel beneath Las Vegas, a 2 mile circle with no weather, pedestrians, or cross traffic, cannot operate autonomously.

The task is too tough for the Tesla "Full Safe Driving" hardware and software to handle.


Autonomous driving capabilities are a central component of Tesla's stratospheric share price, with CEO Elon Musk repeatedly telling investors that they're the difference between "being worth a lot of money or worth basically zero." But real-world performance on the road lags far behind Musk's claims, with the latest data point coming from another Musk venture, the Boring Company, and its tunnels under Las Vegas.


So far, there's just a 2.2-mile loop with three stations serving the Las Vegas Convention Center, albeit with the potential to expand the subterranean system to 68 miles (110 km) in total.

When the Boring Company tunnels were first proposed, the concepts featured custom-designed autonomous electric people movers, but when Ars got a ride in a test tunnel in 2018, it was in a Tesla Model X SUV with a human behind the wheel. The mode of transport inside the Boring Company's tunnels remains Tesla road cars, but they are resolutely human-driven despite the controlled environment with constant lighting and a lack of weather, other traffic, or pedestrians for the camera-based system to worry about.

In fact, there's no timeline for eliminating the driver in the (Vegas) loop, according to Steve Hill, president and CEO of the Las Vegas Convention Center and Visitors Authority. Speaking with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Hill said, "Hopefully this will get started just lightly, using a driver assistance tool by the end of this year."

Gee, Elon R. Musk, sooper genius sounds a lot like Wile E. Coyote, sooper genius, doesn't it?

Elon Musk has an even more distant relationship with the truth than Donald Trump, and that is not a low bar.


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