07 August 2024


Cory Bush just lost her Congressional primary in Missouri after AIPAC spent over $9 million to defeat her.

Yeah, I know, politics ain't beanbag, but our campaign finance laws are a farce:

Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), a prominent member of the progressive "Squad," was defeated in her Democratic primary on Tuesday by local prosecutor Wesley Bell, according to the AP.

Why it matters: Bush is the second member of the "Squad" to lose a primary this cycle, after Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) was defeated in June.

State of play: Bush, one of Congress' most vocal Israel critics, was targeted by nearly $9 million in ad spending from United Democracy Project, the political arm of pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC.

The fact that this is legal is the problem.

There was also $3 million tossed in by cryptocurrency scammers.


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