25 August 2024

C%$# News Network

Every news organization these days seems to put out some performative bullsh%$ that serves no purpose beyond click or ratings bait.

CNN has taken it to a new level by putting a known and very public MAGAt on their "undecided" voter panel to ensure that there was at least one vote for Trump.

This sort of sh%$ is clearly over the line that one has to be willfully blind or actively malicious, and given that the CEO of CNN's parent company, David Zazlav, brought in Chris Licht to CNN, the man of who Keith Olbermann said, "When we worked together at MSNBC, I believed used to eat paste," my money is on malice:

A man introduced as an undecided voter during a CNN segment following Kamala Harris' speech on Day 4 of the Democratic National Convention has a history of supporting MAGA online. CNN host Gary Tuchman said all panelists claimed to be undecided voters at that time.

Meet Bryant Rosado, who, when asked to grade Kamala Harris' speech, gave it a "C" while the other seven panelists rated it either an "A" or a "B." When asked to explain his grade, Rosado said:

"She wasn't clear enough on the policies. She did speak a lot of her personal history, on her personal history which was great, but I still don't feel like she's ready. I feel like, more so, she should wait. I don't want to personally vote for someone that is a backup."
Rosado then confirmed he wasn't ready to vote for Kamala Harris. Moments later, he raised his hand, indicating that he was ready to make a commitment. When asked, he stated that he was now voting for Trump.


MeidasTouch has uncovered that, despite telling CNN that he was an undecided voter who just decided to vote for Trump, Rosado has a substantial MAGA social media history, including a video of himself shooting an AK-47, which he purchased.

As an aside here, what are allegedly patriotic citizens doing shooting AK-47s when there are good American designed and American made weapons out there?

An owner of such a weapon is unlikely to be undecided, as Kamala Harris has expressed support for banning assault weapons. Rosado's social media history, reviewed by MeidasTouch, reveals that he has been posting pro-Trump content for years.
This was a deliberate decision by CNN.  Adjust your channel selections accordingly.


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