26 July 2024

This is My Shocked Face

It appears that a study has done on the effects of LLM "Artificial Intelligence" and the result is that workers are both less productive and miserable.

In the 1980s, the paperless office was supposed to be the next big thing, and we saw an explosion in the demand for paper as people printed reams of paper for this mythical goal.

Do not implement AI in your business, for it makes them soggy and hard to light:

Bosses expect artificial intelligence software to improve productivity, but workers say the tool does the opposite, according to a survey by find-a-workplace research org the Upwork Research Institute, a limb of talent-finding platform Upwork.

The survey elicited responses from 2,500 workers across the US, UK, Australia, and Canada. Half of respondents were C-suite execs, a quarter worked full time and the remained were freelancers. Respondents represent different age groups and genders, but all were required to have completed high school and to use a computer for their work at least “sometimes.”

Findings include that C-suite executives are asking more of workers – 81 percent of 1,250 executive respondents acknowledge as much, according to the survey.


The managerial productivity push has left workers feeling unable to cope and burned out.

"Seventy-one percent are burned out and nearly two-thirds (65 percent) report struggling with increasing employer demands," according to the survey. "Alarmingly, one in three employees say they will likely quit their jobs in the next six months because they are burned out or overworked."

Employees appear to share management’s optimism for AI, with 65 percent predicting machine learning will make them more productive. But there's a gap between belief and reality.


Tellingly, while 96 percent of execs said they see AI tools improving productivity, only 26 percent operate workplace AI training programs, and only 13 percent reported "a well-implemented AI strategy." In the boardroom, AI seems to encourage magical thinking.

There is nothing but magical thinking coming from the board room.  

It's the only way that they can justify and protect their phony baloney jobs.

If this sounds familiar, it's probably you can remember the endless possibilities of blockchain, or Web 3.0, or Web 2.0, or the Metaverse, or humanoid robots, or grid computing, augmented reality, or autonomous vehicles, or virtual assistants (Clippy with a hard on), etc.

Note that these are all post the dotcom bubble popping.

I guess that there still way too many people who refuse to learn from the past, and end up with cider in their ear.


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