15 June 2024

Support Your Local Police (Horrible Web Design Edition)

The Washington Post has three articles about sexual abuse by police, Hundreds of police have sexually abused kids. How do they avoid prison time?, An officer sexually abused a teen in his police car. How will he be punished?, and How The Post investigated police officers accused of sexually abusing kids

From the headlines, it's pretty clear what the story is, that some cops regularly sexually abuse kids, and more often than not (about 90% of the time) these cops avoid jail time.

It took me almost an hour to read these articles, because the designs of the web pages are so bad, particularly the first one, which has most of the content was so profoundly awful.

Between moving windows, animated graphics, and the like, I had to read the articles repeatedly, because I could not actually the information off of the page.

Thinking about this, I'm wondering if this is just a web designer going crazy, or if the someone made a conscious decision to make the pages difficult to read.

It's probably the former, but the design is that bad.


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