09 June 2024

"Should Have Disclosed"

Clarance Thomas now, "Acknowledges," that he did not properly disclose the millions of dollars in gifts that he has received from Harlan Crow and other rich right wing activists.

He lied, he covered up, and he should be charged with corruption:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledged for the first time in a new financial disclosure filing that he should have publicly reported two free vacations he received from billionaire Harlan Crow.

The pair of 2019 trips, one to Indonesia and the other to the Bohemian Grove, an all-male retreat in northern California, were first revealed by ProPublica. Last year, Thomas argued that he did not need to disclose such gifts. “Justice Thomas’s critics allege that he failed to report gifts from wealthy friends,” his lawyer previously said in a statement issued on the justice’s behalf. “Untrue.”

In the new filing released Friday, however, Thomas amended his financial disclosure for 2019, writing that he “inadvertently omitted” the trips on his previous reports.

Gee, I guess that makes it all better? 

To quote Marcel Marceau, "No."

Thomas did not just take bribes, he aggressively solicited bribes, and received gifts that were more than sixteen times that of the rest of the justices combined.

He should be frog marched out of his offices in handcuffs.

Last year, ProPublica documented an array of undisclosed luxury vacations and other gifts Thomas has received over the years from several billionaires, including Crow. ProPublica revealed Crow had treated Thomas to numerous private jet flights and international yacht cruises, covered private school tuition for Thomas’ relative, and paid Thomas money in an undisclosed 2014 real estate deal.

Legal ethics experts said that Thomas appeared to have violated the law by failing to disclose the trips and gifts.

The Thomas revelations helped plunge the Supreme Court into its biggest ethical crisis in the modern era. Justice Samuel Alito also failed to disclose a luxury fishing trip that was paid for by wealthy political donors, one of whom had cases before the court. In recent weeks, Alito has faced criticism for politicized flags that flew at two of his homes. The public’s approval of the court has plummeted in the last few years, polls show.

This is not just things like expensive vacations or private jet flights.  This is also things like paying the tuition for boarding schools for Thomas' nephew, structuring a real estate deal in a way that looks a lot like a bribe, etc.

This is blatant corruption. 

It needs to be prosecuted.


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