25 June 2024

I Need to Purchase the World's Smallest Violin

The bankruptcy trustee presiding over the Alex Jones bankruptcy intends to liquidate his whole media empire.

Good.  This guy has been a pox on society for way too long:

A court-appointed bankruptcy trustee has signaled intentions to liquidate assets belonging to Alex Jones, including the media platform Infowars, as part of the conspiracy theorist’s bankruptcy proceedings.

The proposed liquidation is meant to help pay $1.5bn in lawsuit judgments Jones owes for repeatedly calling the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting a hoax.

US bankruptcy court trustee Christopher Murray indicated for the first time in an “emergency” motion filed Sunday intentions to “conduct an orderly wind-down” of the operations of Infowars’ parent company Free Speech Systems and “liquidate its inventory”.

Murray, who was appointed by a federal judge to oversee the assets in Jones’s personal bankruptcy case, did not give a timetable for the liquidation, but requested the judge to temporarily block efforts from families of Sandy Hook victims to collect money they are owed to “allow an orderly process to take its course”.

The demise of InfoWars would represent an end to the platform’s decades-long tenure as a major source of far-right news stories and conspiracies. 
Following my condemnation of the relentless persecution of Julian Assange, this does seem like a flip flop, but isn't.

Journalism is predicated on the search for the truth, and Alex Jones has only been interested in the pursuit of rubes to buy colloidal silver.

Libel and defamation torts can, and should be used against dishonest media operators, and this is qualitatively different from criminal prosecution and imprisonment for revealing the truth.


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