22 June 2024

Headline of the Day

GOP Michigan Rep and Gun-Rights Supporter Neil Friske Accused of Chasing a Stripper While Firing a Gun
New York Post

Normally, I am loath to quote the New York Post, but credit where is credit is due, they do GREAT headlines.

You probably want to go with this report of the incident, because it's is both more informative, better written, and it shows a real life example of the, "He got drunk and fell out of a guard tower," joke.

Nothing good happens in Lansing Michigan at 2:45 AM. Probably three extra words in that sentence.

I’m friends with one of the police officers who was on the scene. ALLEGEDLY, Friske solicited a local stripper and brought her home. They had a fight in his room, and he fired a gun toward her. She called the cops and ran. Cops intercepted them both separately on the street.

A friend who works for the Michigan legislature fills in a few details:

– he succeeded former Speaker Lee Chatfield in the 107th. Lee was often seen at a different Lansing strip club and had issues with handguns too. Friske decided to combine the two

– Friske has a serious primary challenger who has legit endorsements and funding

– Friske’s immigrant father was a former state rep (for one term in 1971-72, he lost in the 72 primary). His father was a Bircher and later in life donated to David Duke. His father noted on his campaign literature that he was a World War II veteran. Without mentioning that he was in the Luftwaffe. Dad also said former Governor Bill Milliken was part of an international satanic conspiracy.

– recently the younger Friske was one of the few to vote against legislation banning deep fake celeb porn

For those of you who don't know the original joke, here it is:

Person 1: My grandfather died at Auschwitz.

Person 2: I'm so sorry for you.

Person 1: Yeah, he got drunk and fell out of the guard tower.

I never thought that I would see a real life example of this, but it appears that the Fiske family has gone above and beyond to do this.



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