08 May 2024

Snark of the Day

[Ohio State University President Ted] Carter has a vested interest in propagating Bitcoin, which, again, is the fake internet currency preferred by drug dealers, money launderers, pedophiles, and a host of other cybercriminals.
The Rooster, on how Ohio State University President Ted "Slapshot" Carter chose a commencement speaker who spent his time hawking Bitcoin and admitting that he wrote his speech while tripping balls.

The short version of this is that  "Slapshot" sits on the board of a crypto mining firm, so he chose said drug addled crypto evangelist.

This guy, by which I mean the college President, should be fired immediately.

He should be fired out of a cannon and into the sun.

Read the article and its companion articles.  They are hysterically funny, or at least they are hysterically funny to someone who did not have it happen to them.


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